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This is the mish file for the human player in the sandbox, namely missions\98\mish98.txt. I have added my comments in dark red, and linked to copies of the included files which I have also commented upon. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
;Don't change this script! It's the simple one that lets you play the game without ;any silly mission ; the autorun runs automatically because the if statement has no conditional :Autorun if then ; the next two lines load alternate copies of build changers, moods, and class data ; depending upon sandbox settings {missions\00\economy00.txt} {missions\00\peepsdifficulty00.txt} ; the next line grants all technologies if the sandbox research is set to "instant" ; if you want to grant all technologies to the player then use the statement {missions\00\researcheverything.txt} ; otherwise leave this line out of your mission {missions\00\researcheverything.txt|OPT_RESEARCH=3} ; the next line initializes a variable for automatic peep arrivals (peeps00.txt) set popfactor 100 ; the next line opens the entire station for development ; the unlock_all_segs does not seem to work, nor does the default one in build changers ; so you can leave the commented line out unlock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ; set unlock_all_segs 1 ; the next 12 lines supply the player with materials and set energy to zero placeportable scutter_crate 4 16 sub_deck 1024 1 placeportable scutter_crate 3 17 sub_deck 824 1 placeportable scutter_crate 4 16 sub_deck 1024 1 placeportable scutter_crate 3 17 sub_deck 824 1 placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 100 port placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 200 collector placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 300 berth placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 400 vendor placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 500 lavotron placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 700 charger placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 700 satcom set energy 0 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the pilgrims (pilgrims00.txt) set pilgrimarrive 99 set pilgrimaccept 3 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the tourists (tourists00.txt) set TouristArrive 99 set TouristAccept 3 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the medical emergencies (emergencies00.txt) set BonusPaid 1 set EmergencyAccept 3 ; the next 10 lines initialize variables for the merchants (merchants00.txt) set greymerchantcount 10000 set targmerchantcount 20000 set hogmerchantcount 30000 set karmamerchantcount 40000 set turakkenmerchantcount 50000 set sirenmerchantcount 60000 set gemmerchantcount 80000 set gormerchantcount 70000 set zedemmerchantcount 90000 set aronamerchantcount 5000 ; the next four lines initialize variables for the meteors (meteors00.txt) set meteormessage 99 set meteor 99 set meteorand 99 set meteorevent (turn + 25000) ; the next two lines initialize variables for the solar flares (flares00.txt) set flare 3 set flareevent 10000 ; the next line initializes a variable for the starquakes (starquakes00.txt) set starquake (turn + 50000) ; the next three lines are purely artistic exterior_graphics "data\exteriors\space\1" exterior_graphics "data\exteriors\torus1" exterior_graphics "data\exteriors\hub1" ; the next line says "only run this element once unless told to by a trigger command" disable end ; follows here the files that contain all of the other elements of the script ; ; the next two files control how peeps enter the station {missions\00\minpeeps00.txt} {missions\00\peeps00.txt} ; there is only one file concerning the opening of segments, and MF did not implement it ; probably because there is no way to open a segment on just one deck ; notice that in order to comment out an include file statement that you also ; have to remove the leading brace, otherwise the parser loads it anyway (!!!) ; missions\00\segmentdoors00.txt} ; the next six files control various forms of income and expense ; there is a seventh file which is commented out by MF because it was never fully developed ; I have included my "fixed" version on the explanatory page {missions\00\startenergy00.txt} {missions\00\penitents00.txt} {missions\00\deathfines00.txt} {missions\00\rehabs00.txt} {missions\00\peepenergy00.txt} {missions\00\upkeep00.txt} ; missions\00\wages00.txt} ; the next five files are the special visitors {missions\00\pilgrims00.txt} {missions\00\tourists00.txt} {missions\00\emergencies00.txt} {missions\00\merchants00.txt} {missions\00\spies00.txt} ; the next three files are the stellar events {missions\00\meteors00.txt} {missions\00\flares00.txt} {missions\00\starquakes00.txt} ; the next two files are chatter from Val and that annoying "build more ports" warning {missions\00\valmessages00.txt} {missions\00\queue00.txt} ; the next two files are about winning and losing ; the first deals with the sandbox conditions for winning ; the second grants a merciful death if you haven't the ability to win {missions\00\win00.txt} {missions\00\losenocollector00.txt} ; the next file was supplied with the patch, to correct an oversight in the reloading process ; it loads alternate copies of build changers, moods, and class data depending upon the ; difficulty levels that were originally specified in the saved game {missions\00\reloader00.txt}
This is the mish file for the AI player in the sandbox, namely missions\98\mish98-2.txt. I have added my comments in dark red, and linked to copies of the included files which I have also commented upon. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
;Don't change this script! It's the simple one that lets you play the game without ;any silly mission ; the autorun runs automatically because the if statement has no conditional :Autorun if then ; the two lines regarding alternate copies of build changers, moods, and class data ; depending upon sandbox settings are not used in the AI copies because tthe three files ; are only required to be loaded once for each mission ; ; the next line grants all technologies if the sandbox research is set to "instant" ; if you want to grant all technologies to the player then use the statement {missions\00\researcheverything.txt} ; otherwise leave this line out of your mission {missions\00\researcheverything.txt|OPT_RESEARCH=3} ; the popfactor statement is missing because automated peep queueing is global ; the segment opening statement is missing because unlocking segment applies to all players placeportable scutter_crate 4 16 sub_deck 1024 1 placeportable scutter_crate 3 17 sub_deck 824 1 placeportable scutter_crate 4 16 sub_deck 1024 1 placeportable scutter_crate 3 17 sub_deck 824 1 placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 100 port placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 200 collector placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 300 berth placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 400 vendor placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 500 lavotron placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 700 charger placeportable hard_plan_crate 3 16 sub_deck 700 satcom set energy 0 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the pilgrims ; these are identical to the ones for the human player set pilgrimarrive 99 set pilgrimaccept 3 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the tourists ; these are identical to the ones for the human player set TouristArrive 99 set TouristAccept 3 ; the next two lines initialize variables for the medical emergencies ; these are identical to the ones for the human player set BonusPaid 1 set EmergencyAccept 3 ; the statements initializing the traders of the nine races ; are missing because the merchant code has been written to be global ; arona is still local, however set aronamerchantcount 5000 set meteormessage 99 set meteor 99 set flare 3 disable end ; follows here the files that contain all of the other elements of the script ; ; the next two files control how peeps enter the station ; peepsX00 lacks the peepola calculation that exists in peeps00 ; apparently portions of the automated peep entry system are station-wide {missions\00\minpeeps00.txt} {missions\00\peepsX00.txt} ; the next six files control various forms of income and expense ; these are identical to the ones for the human player {missions\00\startenergy00.txt} {missions\00\penitents00.txt} {missions\00\deathfines00.txt} {missions\00\rehabs00.txt} {missions\00\peepenergy00.txt} {missions\00\upkeep00.txt} ; the next five files are the special visitors ; these are special in that they automate responses to the questions involved {missions\00\pilgrimsX00.txt} {missions\00\touristsX00.txt} {missions\00\emergenciesX00.txt} {missions\00\merchantsX00.txt} {missions\00\spiesX00.txt} ; the next two files are the stellar events that the AI needs to know about ; starquakes are not mentioned here because they are station-wide when they occur ; and the other two have automated responses to the questions involved {missions\00\meteorsX00.txt} {missions\00\flaresX00.txt} ; the next two files are chatter from Val and that annoying "build more ports" warning ; these are identical to the ones for the human player {missions\00\valmessages00.txt} {missions\00\queue00.txt} ; these are special cheat files for the AI ; they grant rooms and peeps, and during combat they grant warriors ; so now you know why the AI never seems to run out of warriors during combat! {missions\00\warpeeps00.txt} {missions\00\AIpeephelp00.txt} {missions\00\AIfacilityhelp00.txt} ; the next two files are about winning and losing ; the first deals with the sandbox conditions for winning ; the second grants a merciful death if you haven't the ability to win ; these are identical to the ones for the human player {missions\00\win00.txt} {missions\00\losenocollector00.txt} ; the reloader is missing because of the global nature of the build changer, class data, ; and moods in files